Welcome to Common Core Math Activities for Grade 3.
Throughout this digital book, you will find activities that have been developed to cover all of the Common Core Math Standards. There are 410 Grade 3 activities. Teachers can present the activities with students working individually, in whole groups, or in cooperative learning groups. Activities are provided for differentiated instruction to help all students develop conceptual understanding, process information, and draw conclusions.
- Section One provides a numbered list of Descriptions of the activities. Each activity uses a step-by-step process that identifies the group size and materials needed to complete the task.
- Some of the activities have matching activity cards and practice sheets found in Section Two. The top right side of each set of activity cards and practice sheets corresponds with the matching activity number.
- Section Three contains the answer key.
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Learn how you can make teaching and learning more fun for you and your students, Download Free Samples of Our Math Activity Sheets.