Common Core Math Activities

Empower your students to succeed using effective math strategies that make challenging concepts easier to understand and retain.

Welcome to Our Math Activities

Common Core Math Activities were specifically written to teach and practice the Common Core Math Standards (CCMS) in engaging and motivating ways! The activities are strategically organized by the CCMS domains. There are multiple activities included for each domain. Observe as your students learn concepts and skills seamlessly through hands-on modeling, higher-order thinking experiences, and by communicating mathematically.

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Elementary school teachers know that teaching mathematics in a mixed-ability setting can be challenging. Students that struggle in math may become uninterested in learning math because of a lack of understanding of the concepts. With Common Core Math Activities, struggling students can evolve from passive learners into active participants in the learning process because our program uses research-based math instructional strategies for elementary school students. So, why not look to Common Core Math Activities to make your students excited to learn math each day?
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Want to see how you can make learning math a whole lot more fun?

Check out our free samples and use them with your class. We’re absolutely sure your students will love learning with CCMA! 

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